Anywhere, in your own time, at your own pace
Do you have the sense that there is a greatness inside you waiting to be realised? Do you have creative ideas longing to become manifest? Are you ready to get out of your own way, come out of hiding and come into your evolutionary offering?
Please note: This course is a self led version of a course that was previously live and it thus offered at a substantially discounted rate. All content and processes carry the power and potency of these incredible transmissions. Please be aware that dates may be referenced in the transmissions that are from the original course.
Who are the priestesses?
The priestesses are the leaders, the creatives, the way-showers, those who have stepped outside the status quo. We are the messengers from outside the matrix showing a new way, for the dawning of this new day.
The priestess is the artist who has lost herself in her art, she is the writer who has let go and allows the words flow through her like they are coming from somewhere else, she is the mindless dancer, the singer-songwriter who shifts consciousness through the embodiment of her pure emotions and conscious lyrics, and she is a leader and a voice for change.
She is a voice for the Sacred Feminine, a voice for Shakti who has no voice. So she offers her voice, her skills, her body to her. She is of service to the awakening for humanity, she co-creates with The Divine Mother.
The priestess is living in her greatness and in her greatness she is truly humble, she has died to all the illusions of self-importance, the need to be seen. The achievement of fame or recognition is not what moves her. Her desire to serve love, create and inspire others to awaken and connect to Divine Mother is what fuels her passion as she knows in the deepest part of herself that is the only thing that will save humanity and this earth at this time.
What has it cost us to be disconnected from the Mother?
We are living in a time of imminent global crisis. We all feel it. The disconnection from ourselves, our humanity, nature and the pure love of the Divine Mother. We know we can’t continue to live this way without catastrophic consequence. We have been creating without the Divine Mother for over five thousand years and it has led us on the path of planetary destruction, war, mental health issues, broken families and communities, isolation, poverty and an education system that breeds sheep and work slaves for the matrix.
The changes that need to come about to sustain and create the new earth will only happen when enough of us remember and actualise our higher calling and begin to co-create with the Divine Mother again.
Who and what are you serving by staying small and dimming your light?
This is not the time to hide or stay small, it is our time to rise and shine as women.
It once cost us our lives to live in embodiment of our sacred feminine life force, and so we did what we needed to do to survive. Dimming down our light, doing work that felt dull or meaningless, masking the inner yearning to bring our soul’s true work through.
It is time for the Sacred Feminine to rise now.
Our planet and our people need us. We are living in incredible times, where life is constantly inviting us to reclaim the magnificence of our souls and live our greatest life.
We are being asked to step up to create the new myth of humanity, to embody the awakened feminine and live a life guided by our passion and soul presence. We are being called to remember and reclaim our deep feminine wisdom and have the courage to be true to our souls’ vocations and express the sacred— in our families, in our communities and in our work places.
Your Embodied Spiritual Practice
Once you’ve met the Divine Mother, and you bring her into your embodied spiritual practice, you realise that everything that you’ve done until now on your search has only scratched the surface.
Books, courses, strategies for the mind or transcendental strategies to leave your body. Anything to avoid the human experience and deny your role on this planet.
The return to The Divine Mother is the return to life.
She is the ecstatic bliss that resides inside of all of us, beckoning us to surrender and open to the love that we are.
A time comes when you have to acknowledge that nothing else has been working. A time when you have to get yourself down on to your knees and declare defeat. A time when you have to fall apart, forget who you are, lose faith in all of the plans you thought you’d laid down and simply witness and allow the pieces that do not serve to drop away. All that has come before has just been a bunch of strategies, techniques, bypasses or escape routes.
There comes a time when you’re finally really meet yourself. Your soul. Your essence. Who you really are. Any less is no longer acceptable.
Developing a relationship with the Divine Mother is the foundation for any authentic spiritual practice and real transformation. It is a connection, a bond, and a deep soul contract that supports you to live as love in the world, to act as love, and to relate as love.
But in order to do her work, you have to ready yourself. Drop all ego and let her shine through you because she will burn away any obstacles in her way. Your stories, your excuses, your limiting beliefs and unhealthy habits. All of these stop her, and you, from doing the work.
She is a force that comes down into our bodies and out into our lives. She’s a force of change and radical transformation. She a ferocious love and total devotion, supporting us to create a new future for humanity, and birth the New Earth…
What is the 21 day Priestess Practice?

The path…
The path of the Priestess is a path of devotion to the Mother in all her forms, she has always served the Goddess and knows that her body is sacred, the body is her temple for the Divine, she claims her womb as a gateway to embodying the Shakti power of the Divine Mother Goddess within her.
We are calling out to the priestesses to remember their way. By practicing with Divine Mother we will come to the deep inner silence to listen to our deep feminine wisdom voices again. Our practice with the Divine Mother takes us into our wombs where lies the seed of our creative genius. We will learn to ecstatically awaken the body to lift our vibration so we can come into the highest possibilities for our life.

The invitation…
You are invited to enter into a sacred alchemical crucible, an incubation chamber of remembrance. Where you will be inspired and held to sprout your dream seeds, to activate your soul codes and to come into your greatness.
We will commit to daily prayer to embody shakti as the Divine Mother to lift our vibration and come to deep stillness and inner peace.
The Divine Mother is a holding power of love she is calling us to our larger life. She is calling us to rise and stand in our power, fearlessly, unashamedly.
She nurtures our exhausted bodies tired from living a life that is not truly ours and gently nudges us back onto the path of our soul.
She calls us to return to the deep silence in our wombs so we can truly listen to the subtle voice and call of our soul.
She will support us to remove the masks that we put on the survive to reveal our true soul.

What will I get out of the 21 day practice?
Everyone’s connection to the Mother is unique and different. This practice is about dropping the search outside of ourselves and coming in, coming home. It’s time for us to stop thinking the answers elsewhere and to start listening to the knowing within.
Through this practice you may experience:
- Oneness, clarity and union with your higher self.
- Deep inner stillness, peace and trust in the nuances of life.
- Deep inner connection and the capacity to listen and act upon your feminine intuitive knowing.
- Self love, self compassion and self acceptance.
- Ecstatically lifting your vibration taking you from mundane fear based thoughts to positive thoughts anchored in the highest possibilities for your life.
- Inner transformation of false ego identities and wounded patterns that have shrouded your authentic soul essence, that have been holding you back from stepping into your power and offering your gifts.
- Inspiration and deep inner permission to share your creative visions and dreams.
- Return to grace of living in alignment as you co create with the Divine Mother aspect of the Sacred Feminine.

Why 21 Days?
It is known in many traditions that 21 days is needed to embody a new practice and open new evolutionary pathways of being. We will journey together with hundreds of women all over the planet with daily content, prayer and practices.
The Priestess Path
The priestess path is not an exclusionary spiritual practice, it is the embodied feminine way that embraces all aspects of our lives. Everything is sacred and relevant on our return to the love of the Divine Mother. If you hear the call you can walk this path whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever your circumstance.
The Priestess Circle
The priestess circle is an evolutionary sisterhood. Together we are co-creating a new earth founded on feminine principles and calling each other into our highest authentic embodiment of truth. We support each other wholeheartedly. We celebrate our many expressions of the sacred feminine and release jealousy, judgement and competition. We rise by lifting each other up.
Welcome, please come and take your place in our ever-growing circle of women and participate in a sacred feminine path that leads you back home to your true self.
How does it work?
The Priestess Practice 21 Day Immersion that starts immediatly as soon as you register. That day you will receive your first email, and you will be invited to join our closed Priestess Practice online group.
Once a day you will receive a short email with a new practice, sometimes written, sometimes an an audio recording or a video or an inspirational poem to keep you inspired and on track.
There will be three main guided course sessions with Leyolah throughout the 21 days.
These are recordings of teachings, transmissions and practices with Leyolah to deepen your embodiment as an Evolutionary Priestess to deepen your exploration of the transformation and higher guidance available when you connect to the Divine Mother.
In between the main course sessions you will practice on your own.
You can share and connect with your Priestess sisters as often as you like in the online Sisterhood circle. Leyolah will be available to answer questions and be available for guidance.
How much time do you need to dedicate to the immersion?
You can dedicate as much time as you desire. To do a little practice is better than nothing and many of the practices can be integrated into your daily life. In the path of the priestess we learn to respond to our worldly active lives in a sacred ways.
By committing to the field you enter into a shakti field, an alchemical crucible, a container for activation and transformation that does not depend on how much you do or do not do, your willingness to connect and participate is everything.
Is this for you?
The priestess is the mother, the wife and the lover, the office worker, the artist in her studio the dancer on the dance floor, the teacher in the schools, the healer, the counsellor, the friend and the carer. She is a visionary bringing the sacred back to her work place, her family, her home and her community.
Evolutionary Sisterhood
We meet in a shared dedication to evolutionary sisterhood to calling each other out to rise. To holding ourselves when we fall, to coming out of competition and struggle, to returning to the grace of the Divine Mother’s arms.
Praise for Leyolah
What women are saying from previous courses with Leyolah.
“Leyolah’s course is a the essential work needed right now for women on this planet, as it is fully aligned with the rise of the feminine which allows women to step into leadership roles which are essential and required for our collective healing. Her course is cutting edge, and will support you to move through all the areas you have been stuck, or experiencing un-serving patterns on your spiritual path. At moments, the work was very radical for myself, yet Leyolah was able to lovingly guide me through these unchartered waters, and out of my comfort zone. Her teaching style is brave and bold, and has given me the space and courage to ignite the sacred flame within, thereby healing my ancestral lineage and contribute my ‘special something’ to this world.” – Sushma Zahira Gidwani
“In this time of our great need, on suffering Planet Earth, the feminine aspect of God is rising again. She is calling like the Bride in the Song of Solomon, wooing us to return to love, to the the beautiful verdure of the Garden. Leyolah Antara is one of the voices for this awakening and healing… My deep respect to Leyolah and others who are doing this work. She is a teacher and practitioner with great integrity, commitment and longing for wholeness in our world.” – Elisabeth Bromley, Melbourne.
“I haven’t come across too many teachers in all my years as a ‘spiritual student” that embody exactly what they speak. Truly inspirational star. With so much love and appreciation and the wish to cross paths again.” – Susan Pearce
“I could sit and listen to Leyolah teach all day long. Her experience and wisdom are radiated through her teaching in a powerful and healing way. I am in eternally grateful for the remembrance that has been ignited through this work and look forward to so much more… These teachings helped me to deepen into my own personal daily practice and connecting with the others doing the course work in a private setting was heart opening, to say the least.” – Brandi, Colorado
“Leyolah’s course is nothing short of soul alchemy. Her lovingly guided journey took me deep into the shame that had blocked me from fully opening to my body… I felt my soul enter more into being here. I felt that I could completely own my truth and my purpose. I emerge from the course at one with myself and open in a completely new way to living as a whole, loving, powerful, ecstatic, divine female. This course is one of the greatest gifts I have received in this lifetime and I am grateful.” – Ruth Cumberland, Ubud
“The tools I’ve learnt are nourishing, opening and a new way for me to be present with myself. During the sessions that I’m progressing through on the course I am able to drop deeply in and with myself and trust a process that feels expanding, heart warming and not frightening to me. Thank you to the presence of Leyolah in my life, I needed her.” – Adrianna
Leyolah Antara is passionate about helping women awaken their sensual creative energy for personal awakening & reconnection with their own unique expression of their soul. She is author, shamanic dance priestess, mystic, wild woman, mother, lover, poet, intuitive healer, producer, performance artist and the founder of Kundalini Dance™, an ecstatic embodiment practice that she has developed and taught for over 27 years. Her work has taken her all over the world to teach retreats and workshops and she has trained over 77 facilitators, in Australia, Bali, North America and Europe.
She has also produced two interactive Chakra Journey CD’s, teaching manuals and is the author of the book “Kundalini Dance, Sacred Alchemical Evolutionary Keys”, available on Amazon.
Leyolah’s methods are on the leading edge. She transmits the ecstatic keys of tantric alchemy that will connect you to the divine and transform past patterns that have been holding you back from manifesting your hearts desires in your intimate relationships and your life purpose. She is compassionate and caring and has a depth of wisdom that comes from over 22 years of holding space for deep transformation.
All content copyright Leyolah Antara / Kundalini Dance 2016.