Awakening Trust – root chakra alchemy

Creation Mama by Jarah Tree

Creation Mama by Jarah Tree

For one person, opening to new possibilities in the root chakra may be focusing on building a foundation that supports greater financial abundance and prosperity. For another, it may be focusing on taking care of their bodies and their health by exercising and changing their diet. Others may receive simple guidance about cleaning and decluttering their home or others may receive a vision for a new model of sustainable community.

 If we ask and have the courage to feel, Shakti will cleanse the root chakra. In the root chakra, we face our collective survival fear and any old scripts of there not being enough abundance, food or love. She will bring to our attention all the ways we feel we don’t belong or don’t have a place in our communities or tribe or any other false notions we carry. Shakti will encourage us to feel our mistrust in the feminine, old wounds of betrayal, competition or abandonment. She will bring up all the ways we feel unsupported or not worthy of our mothers’ love, both human and divine.

 After she has cleansed us, we move into the spaciousness of still mind, where we have the possibility to rewrite those old scripts that have been looping over time, and tell ourselves a new story based in the deeper truth. The truth is that there is always enough, you are safe, and you belong. The truth is we are all worthy of love and deserve to receive creation’s unconditional support.

 As you take the time to bathe in the infinite love of divine, allow your creative imagination to run wild. It’s all possible. All we need to do is feel it and dream. Dream, beloved, dream and open yourself to the infinite stream of the golden light of creative intelligence. In this state of receptive silence, you can manifest that which is beyond your wildest dreams.

 This is how we engage a complete alchemical cycle in the root chakra. Shakti Kundalini cleanses us and at the end of the tunnel we open into the golden light of divine intelligence, their ecstatic union awakening new possibilities and ways of being inside of the root chakra.

Leyolah Antara © excerpt from the book Kundalini Dance, Sacred Alchemical Evolutionary Keys.